Tara Grace Boyum

I have always dreamed of creativity, in any way I could manage. I’ve danced with artistic practices such as writing, poetry, music, theater, photography and have a continuous love for exploring mediums. My admiration for illustration, photography & typography has encouraged my enthusiasm for brand & print design. I enjoy approaching design with a child-like curiosity to find imaginative solutions. I’m mostly drawn to bright colors and fun designs but also find black & white photographs and elegance to be very compelling.

I was born and raised in Austin, TX. In my free time, I like to catch a flick, read a good book, break out the craft supplies, or just explore. Some of my favorite memories I’ve captured with a camera were spent on solo expeditions around downtown Austin. These days, I spend a lot of time with my daughter, Matilda, rediscovering even more of the child-like wonder of the world.

Let’s chat!

Austin, TX